caffeine deficiency syndrome = random rants
i only have 5 hrs or less worth of sleep behind me, so forgive me if i start spouting gibberish... or at least start spouting more than the usual gibberish!
the heisenberg uncertainty principlelet me start off with the heisenberg uncertainty principle. its a quantum physics thing. it basically states that "The more precisely the POSITION is determined, the less precisely the MOMENTUM is known." what this means is that, when you observe a subatomic particle such as an electron, for example, the very act of measuring that electron's position means that you've already changed its momentum, and therefore, you won't be able to know precisely the value of its momentum at that precise moment. conversely, if you are able to measure the electron's momentum, necessarily, you've already changed the electron's position and you won't be able to know its position at that precise moment. follow me so far? so what is this all about you ask? its this: THE HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE ALSO HOLDS TRUE FOR BLOGS!
couple days ago, there was this discussion in PLUG about putting up a blog aggregator on their site. they started asking for people's blogs that they can aggregate, and i (somewhat excitedly) posted this url to the list. this had an unforeseen effect -- now that this blog has a very real possiblity of actually having an audience, my subsequent posts here have been somewhat self-conscious. i mean, when i post i can't help but be keenly aware that other people might be reading this. this fact has undoubtedly crept into my mind and onto my posts. what i'm saying is, i might be posting stuff that i normally wouldnt be doing had i been blissfully ignorant of any potential readers to my blog.
freebsd at home updatewell my home beastie is still humming along nicely. i just discovered that it can poweroff from the PC power button. cool, eh? i know linux can probably do this too, but fedora doesn't do it out of the box, and i really havent had the time or desire to figure it out.
i'm still adjusting to the cli though. its very similar to linux, certainly, but there are subtle differences. not really a problem though; i'm sure i'll get used to it as i go along.
then there's also the matter of my shared FAT32 partition... since i wasn't sure how things would work out, when i installed freebsd, i nuked my shared partition to simplify things. now that i have it up and running, i'm more confident that i can set up a shared FAT32 partition. the thing is, i'll definitely have to reinstall freeBSD to do it.
red bull immunity i think i'm beginning to develop an immunity to red bull. it doesn't give that much of a kick anymore and right now i only felt a mild perk-up this morning. ANIMAX + FREEBSD = INSOMNIA!
livejournal optioni'm also looking at the possiblity of starting a blog at livejournal instead... i like using the logjam client so i don't need to browse to a website to post. plus when i use logjam it only looks like i'm writing email; its more inconspicuous.
NOW michael emails me wouldn't you know it, just when i'm about to start on my new softswitch, michael finally emails me and says that their radius server is ready for our tests! talk about 100% programmer CPU utilization! when it rains it pours...
Posted by lone_geek
at 10:39 AM WST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 February 2004 11:03 AM WST